Street art as a simple design solution. Great urban sculpture. Witty and inventive. Possibly low cost.
The median strip is the reserved area separating opposing lanes of traffic.
In many municipalities they function as green belts, a landscape design with trees, beautiful plantings, lawn grasses, etc. In locations such as New York City's Park Avenue there is a mixture of garden art, landscape sculpture, seasonal plantings. But this site specific landscape installation works with the grit of the city. The humor of the twin yellow lines somewhat symbolic of the bumpy ride on city streets, the stoping and starting of city traffic.
I came upon this design solution for the median divider island or neutral ground (as it's called in New Orleans) on 4th Avenue in Brooklyn while working with a nearby residential property in the Park Slope area.
I do not have the artists name and would be grateful if a knowledgable reader would pass it on to me so I might give the artist their due credit.