A new LALH (Library of American Landscape History) exhibition opened in New York City this past Monday.
Contemporary landscape photographs fill an especially important role in LALH books, evoking not only the original spirit of a site but also capturing the layers of change that have occurred since the site was first designed. 100 Years of Design on the Land, an LALH exhibition opening at 1285 Avenue of the Americas Art Gallery in New York City, tells the stories of ten important American places through contemporary photographs.
The exhibit features specially commissioned photographs by Carol Betsch and Andy Olenick from several LALH titles, including Silent City on a Hill, A Modern Arcadia, The Best Planned City in the World, and A Genius for Place. The show opened with a public reception, Monday, December 15 and runs through Friday, March 6, 2015. Come, explore, learn, and be transported.